Seysmogeologik kesimlarni va strukturaviy xaritalarni tuzish


  • J.Sh. Rabbimov Author
  • D.N. Haydarov Author


kesim, qaytgan to‘lqin, gorizont, bog‘lanish, paletka, seysmik, izoxrona, strukturaviy xarita., section, return wave, horizon, connection, palette, seismic, isochron, structural map.


XX asrning 50 yillarida birinchilardan bo‘lib seysmorazvedka usuli bilan kompleks chuqur burg‘ilash ishlari o‘rganilayotgan maydonning strukturaviy va chuqurlik tuzilishini o‘rganish rejali amalga oshirila boshlandi. Qidiruv ishlari natijalariga asosan o‘rganilayotgan maydonni turli chuqurlikli strukturaviy burg‘ilash to‘ri bilan qoplangan, shu jumladan geologik kesimda senon yarusi yotqiziqlarini o‘rganish imkoniyatini berdi.

In the 50s of the 20th century, one of the first plans to study the structural and depth structure of the area under study by the method of seismic exploration began to be implemented. Based on the results of the exploration work, the studied area was covered with a structural drilling grid of various depths, including in the geological section, it gave an opportunity to study the deposits of the Senon layer.

Author Biographies

  • J.Sh. Rabbimov

    QarMII “Geologiya va konchilik ishi” kafedrasi assistenti

  • D.N. Haydarov

    QarMII “Foydali qazilmalar geologiyasi, qidiruv va razvedkasi” yo‘nalishi 4-kurs talabasi




How to Cite

Seysmogeologik kesimlarni va strukturaviy xaritalarni tuzish. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 11(2), 224-229.