Said Muhammad Hotamiyning tasavvuf va mantiq ilmlarining qiyosiy tahlili
Tasavvuf,mantiq,bilish,poklanish,oliy haqiqat,subektivlik va obektivlik.##common.commaListSeparator## Sufism, logic, knowledge, purification, supreme truth, subjectivity and objectivity.##article.abstract##
Mazkur maqolada zamonaviy Eron Islom Respublikasining sobiq davlat rahbari va tarixchi-faylasuf olim Said Muhammad Hotamiy tomonidan Tasavvuf ilmi va mantiqning o’zaro aloqadorligi va farqli tomonlarini qay tartibda sharhlanishi o‘rganilgan.
In this article, the former head of state of the modern Islamic Republic of Iran and historian-philosopher Said Mohammad Khotami has studied the order in which the interrelationships and differences of Sufism and logic are interpreted.
Said Muhammad Hotamiyning tasavvuf va mantiq ilmlarining qiyosiy tahlili. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 11(2), 197-200.