Keywords: Foreign language, factor, motivation, ability, barrier, fundamental motivation, verbal and non-verbal, linguistic input, cognitive theory, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, target language, impulse, orientation , integrative direction, , language ability.Abstrak
This article covers the concept of motivation, types of motivation and factors affecting it. The article also examines the role of motivation in learning and participation in social contexts. The article also provides information on various authors who have researched this concept and provides insights into the research they have conducted. The changes and results are studied in detail, and it is emphasized that motivation strengthens the incentives of the learner in achieving his goals and provides the desired results. In addition, in this article, the factors influencing the successful learning of a foreign language are discussed. will be considered. The author shows their interdependence and influence on the process of learning a foreign language. Methodological and psychological aspects of foreign language learning are discussed in the article.
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