Artistic time in Wiliam Faulkner`s works


  • Nilufar Babajonova Автор
  • Jasmina Ismatova Автор

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Keywords: William Faulkner, artistic time, non-linear narrative, American South, memory, temporality, trauma, modernism.


Abstract: William Faulkner’s writing often explores complex temporal structures that challenge linear perceptions of time, reflecting both psychological depth and cultural history in the American South. His technique of “artistic time” involves a fluid manipulation of chronology, memory, and perception, creating a fragmented yet holistic view of his characters’ experiences. This paper examines how Faulkner’s use of non-linear time serves as a narrative strategy to convey the fractured nature of individual and collective identities. By analyzing works such as The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, and Absalom, Absalom!, we investigate how Faulkner’s temporal manipulations reveal the influence of past traumas on the present and shape the characters’ understanding of self and society. Through this exploration, Faulkner’s concept of time emerges as both a thematic concern and a stylistic choice that reinforces his critique of traditional Southern ideologies.

Биографии авторов

  • Nilufar Babajonova

    Scientific supervisor

  • Jasmina Ismatova




Как цитировать

Artistic time in Wiliam Faulkner`s works. (2024). Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 32(1), 71-74.