Kalit so’zlar: tuproq unumdorligi, o’simlik uzunligi, mevasi, ildizi, kurtagi, po’stlog’i, guli, ildizpoyasi, quritilgan shakli, yig’ma shakli, damlama va qaynatmalar, yanchilgan shakli, extratlar, spirtli, efir moylari.##common.commaListSeparator## Keywords: soil fertility, plant length, fruit, root, shoot, peel, flower, rhizome, dried form, aggregation form, tincture and decoctions, crushed form, extras, alcohol, essential oils.##article.abstract##
Annotasiya: Keyingi 10 yilliklar davomida insoniyat kimyoviy tarkibdagi dori preparatlaridan chekinib, o’simliklar dunyosi bilan do’st tutinib yashamoqda. Dorivor o’simliklar bizning jonajon O’zbekistonimizda keng tarqalgan bo’lib, ularning foydalilik darajasi o’zga yurtlarda o’sgan o’simliklarga nisbatan juda yuqori.Sababi bizning yurtimiz qo’yoshi taftli va havosi musaffodir. Tog’ yon bag’irlarida bo’y cho’zgan giyohlardan minglab dardlarga da’vo qilinadi va ularning natijasi tezroq ko’rinadi. Dori preparatlarining yorliqlarida har doim “nojuya ta’siri” degan qatorni topasiz, o’simliklar istemolida esa bu tushuncha kamdan-kam ishlatiladi.
Annotation: For the next 10 years, humanity will retreat from drugs containing chemical content and live in a friendly environment with the plant world. Medicinal plants are widespread in our dear Uzbekistan, the level of their usefulness is very high in comparison with plants grown in foreign countries. This is because our land is thick and smooth. Thousands of ailments are claimed from the cocaine that stretches tall on the slopes of the mountains, and the results seem to be faster. On the labels of medicines you always find the line "side effects", and in the consumption of herbs, this concept is rarely used.