Soliqlar, soliq siyosati, soliq tizimi, soliqlar va yig'imlar, soliq organlari, soliq stavkasi, soliq yuki, soliq nazorati, soliq inspektsiyasi, soliq qonunchiligi.##common.commaListSeparator## taxes, tax policy, tax system, taxes and levies, tax authorities, tax rate, tax burden, tax control, tax inspection, tax legislation.Abstrak
Ushbu tezisda O'zbekiston Respublikasining davlat shakli, huquqiy tizimi, Konstitutsiyadagi soliq tizimining asoslari, soliqlarning byudjetdagi ulushi, soliq organlari tizimi, soliq huquqi bo'yicha olimlar, soliq qonunchiligining rivojlanish bosqichlari, soliq stavkalari, soliq nazorati tushunchasi va turlari, soliq tekshiruvi tushunchasi va turlari, soliq yuki, soliq siyosati bo‘yicha xalqaro indekslar va soliq tekshiruvi bo‘yicha xorijiy davlatlarning tajribasi o‘rganildi.
The state form of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the legal system, the basics of the tax system in the Constitution, the shares of taxes in the budget, the system of tax authorities, the scientists on tax law, the stages of development of tax legislation, tax rates, the concept and types of tax control, the concept and types of tax inspection, the tax burden, international indices on tax policy and experience of foreign countries in tax audit have been investigated.