Teaching English for Specific Purposes in Uzbekistan


  • Yuldosheva Nazokat Gulomjonovna ##default.groups.name.author##


Key words: English for Specific Purposes, Teaching Methodology, Curriculum Development, Educational Reform, Professional development.


This article explores the importance of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in Uzbekistan, focusing on its current implementation, problems of teaching process, and opportunities for development. Nowadays, the demand for specialized English language training has increased in the country. This study based on existing literature, observations from academic institutions, and opinions of experts to examine the state of ESP in Uzbekistan. The findings suggest a need for curriculum reform, resource development to improve the quality and relevance of ESP, and teacher training in the country.


  • Yuldosheva Nazokat Gulomjonovna

    Urgench State University

    The faculty of Foreign Philology lecturer.

Nashr qilingan



Teaching English for Specific Purposes in Uzbekistan. (2024). Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 30(2), 130-135. https://scientific-jl.org/luch/article/view/259