
  • Tolipova Noilakhon Nodir qizi.


Key words: GDP per capita, LFPR , unemployment, inflation, the rate of tertiary education, ARDLmodel Remittances, migration


Globally, migration is a phenomenon influenced by social, political, cultural, environmental, health, education, and transportation considerations in addition to economic ones. It frequently occurs as a result of pull influences from more developed locations as well as push factors, such as the socioeconomic situation's .  A number of researchers believe that migration is a method of improving life, improving education and the quality of health services received through material well-being. Other scientists argue that the psychological trauma of separation from parents has a negative impact on the academic performance of the child and contributes to a decrease in social intelligence and victimization of children, as well as the loss of health of the migrant. Thus, migration processes need to be scientifically researched in order to regulate pros and cons of migration at the international level. To conduct research on this issue, it becomes relevant to identify factors that affect migration in general. Economic, political, cultural, and environmental push and pull factors are influences that can either compel individuals to migrate to a new site or compel them to vacate their current residences. Push factors pertain to the nation from which a person migrates and are conditions that can cause people to leave their homes. The purpose of this work is to contribute to the process of regulating migration by identifying economic push factors of migration in Uzbekistan by using ARDL with error correction model.

Nashr qilingan



ECONOMIC PUSH FACTORS OF MIGRATION IN UZBEKISTAN. (2024). Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 30(2), 144-173.