
  • Azzamova Umida Alisherovna


In modern linguistics, discourse refers to the structure and use of language beyond the level of the individual sentence, focusing on how language functions in communication and social contexts. While syntax and semantics typically deal with the form and meaning of isolated sentences, discourse analysis examines how these sentences work together to create meaning in larger stretches of language, such as conversations, written texts, and speeches.


1. Alisherovna, A. U. (2023). Discourse in modern linguistics. Journal of new century innovations, 26(5), 123-128.

2. Umida, A. (2023). The concept of discourse in modern linguistics. Ethiopian International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 10(10), 195-197.

3. Alisherovna, A. U. (2023). Vocabulary features of specialized sport publications. International journal of advanced research in education, technology and management, 2(4).

4. Alisherovna, A. U., & Hassan, M. (2023). Length and letter combination. vocabulary of first declension nouns. Yangi O'zbekistonda Tabiiy va Ijtimoiy-gumanitar fanlar respublika ilmiy amaliy konferensiyasi, 1(7), 86-90.

5. Ёрова, С. К., & Насимова, С. Я. (2024). ТИББИЙ НУТҚДАГИ ИЖТИМОИЙ-МАДАНИЙ ДИСКУРСИВ ХУСУСИЯТЛАР. International journal of scientific researchers (IJSR) INDEXING, 5(1), 440-442.

6. Alisherovna, A. U., & Uves, S. (2023, November). CLINICAL TERMINOLOGY: UNDERSTANDING WORD-FORMATION, GREEK ROOTS, SUFFIXES, AND PREFIXES. In International conference on multidisciplinary science (Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. 206-209).

7. Azzamova, U. (2024). How to overcome language difficulties in learning English in Medical University students. PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS OF SCIENTIFIC AND INNOVATIVE RESEARCH, 1(6), 253-257.

8. Azzamova, U. (2024, May). SPORT DISCOURSE AS A TYPE OF FUNCTIONAL STYLE. In Conference Proceedings: Fostering Your Research Spirit (pp. 38-40).

9. Anvarovich, C. A., Razhabboevnason, A. R., & Safarovich, T. O. (2024). Og'iz bo'shlig'i shilliq qavatini davolashda ishlatiladigan dorivor o'simliklar. Amerika pediatriya tibbiyoti va sog'liqni saqlash fanlari jurnali (2993-2149), 2(2), 491-494.

10. Anvarovich, C. A., Razhabboevnason, A. R., & Safarovich, T. O. (2024). Medicinal Plants used as Remedies for the Treatment of the Oral Mucosa. American Journal of Pediatric Medicine and Health Sciences (2993-2149), 2(2), 491-494.

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IN MODERN LINGUISTICS, SPEECH IS THE STRUCTURE AND USE OF LANGUAGE. (2024). Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 33(2), 26-28.