
  • Charos Nurmanova Muhammadi qizi


Key words: Design thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking, brainstorming activities, design thinking


Problem-solving is a critical skill in education, yet traditional teaching methods often fail to fully cultivate innovative thinking among students. To address this gap, it is essential to equip students with the mindset and tools of innovators, enabling them to approach challenges not just as obstacles, but as opportunities for creative problem-solving. This article explores strategies for fostering an innovative mindset in the classroom, focusing on techniques that encourage critical thinking, collaboration, and a willingness to experiment with unconventional solutions. Through a comprehensive review of contemporary educational practices and case studies, the paper demonstrates how teaching students to think like innovators can improve their ability to navigate complex, abstract problems. The discussion also highlights the role of educators in creating environments that nurture curiosity, risk-taking, and resilience, key components of the innovation process. Ultimately, this work offers practical insights for integrating innovation-driven problem-solving into educational curricula, preparing students for success in an increasingly dynamic and unpredictable world.


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Nashr qilingan



PROBLEM-SOLVING IN EDUCATION: TEACHING STUDENTS TO THINK LIKE INNOVATORS. (2024). Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 34(2), 173-177.