
  • Sultanbayeva Jayna Quanishbay qizi
  • Khazratkulova E’zoza Ismat qizi


Key words: Writing skills, Teaching methods, Process Writing Approach, Genre-Based Approach, Collaborative writing, writing workshops, Use of technology, Reflective writing, Assessments and Feedback, writing skills in English language teaching, Developing writing skills, Language learning, Academic writing, Professional writing, Students writing skills.


Abstract:This article examines contemporary approaches to developing writing skills in English language teaching, highlighting the importance of writing for both students and educators. It discusses methods such as the Process writing approach, which emphasizes drafting and revising, and the Genre-Based Approach, which teaches students to adapt their writing to various contexts. Collaborative Writing is presented as a means to promote peer feedback and social learning, while writing workshops offer interactive spaces for students to share their work and receive constructive criticism. The article includes insights form notable figures such as Donald Murray, John Swales and Lev Vygotskiy, reinforcing the idea that effective writing instruction fosters clearer communication and prepares students for diverse writing tasks in academic and professional settings.


1.Boud.D. (1985)Reflection: Turning Experience into Learning. Routledge.

2.Elbow.P.(1998) Writing Without Teachers.

3.Murray.D.(1972) Teach Writing as a Process, Not Product.

4.Paul.R. Critical thinking: Tools for Taking charge of Your Professional and Personal Life.

5.Siemens.G.(2005) Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age.

6.Swales.J. Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings.

7.Vgyotsky.L. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes.

8.Wiggins.G.(1998)Educative Assessment: Designing Assessment: Designing Assessments to Inform and Improve students.

Nashr qilingan



EDUCATION AND TEACHING DEVELOPING WRITING SKILLS FOR TEACHING ENGLISH. (2024). Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, 34(4), 166-169.