pozitivizm, Djon Styuart, Mill Gerbert Spenser, Ogyust Kont., positivism, John Stewart, Mill Herbert Spencer, August Comte.Abstract
XX asr falsafasida pozitivizm falsafasi muhim o‘rin tutadi (pozitivizm ijobiy degan ma’noda). Bu oqim XIX asrni o‘rtalarida paydo bo‘lib, uning vakillari Djon Styuart, Mill Gerbert Spenser, Ogyust Kontlardir. Ularning fikricha, bilimni olish uchun maxsus fanlar falsafasiz bo‘lishi va rivojlanishi lozim. Bu oqim XIX asrni 30-nchi yillarida Yevropada keng tarqaldi.
The philosophy of positivism occupies an important place in the philosophy of the 20th century (in the sense that positivism is positive). This trend appeared in the middle of the 19th century, and its representatives are John Stewart, Mill Herbert Spencer, August Comtes. According to them, in order to gain knowledge, special sciences should be developed without philosophy. This movement spread widely in Europe in the 30s of the XIX century.