
  • N.T.Shaymurotov Author
  • Sh.P.Elmuratov Author


Eksteryer, interyer, konstitutsiya, nuqson, sotish bahosi, ichki tuzilishi, yurish usullari., exterior, interior, Constitution, defect, sale price, internal structure, walking methods.


Yilqichilikni o‘rganish borasidagi tajribalar shuni ko‘rsatadiki, eksteryerga to‘liq baho bermaslik yoki baholashda eksteryerni umuman hisobga olmaslik otlarning konstitutsiyasini bo‘shashib ketishiga, eksteryerida ba’zi nuqsonlarning hosil bo‘lishi va ish qobiliyatining susayib ketishiga olib keladi. SHuning uchun naslchilik va tovar xo‘jaliklarida otlar eksteryeriga qarab baholanishi shart. Ularning eksteryerini baholashda oldin invertar nomerlari, zoti, laqabi, jinsi aniqlanadi. Biyalarning eksteryerlarini baholashda esa, bulardan tashqari, qochirilgan vaqti va oxirgi qulunlagan vaqti ham aniqlanishi kerak.

Experiments in the study of annularity suggest that failure to give a complete assessment of the exterior or not taking the exterior into account at all when evaluating causes the Constitution of horses to be relaxed, the formation of some defects in the exterior, and impaired performance. Therefore, in breeding and commodity farms, horses must be evaluated according to their exteriors. When evaluating their exterior, inverter numbers, breed, nickname, gender are determined before. In addition to these, the time of desertion and the time of last enslavement must also be determined when evaluating the exteriors of the bias.

Author Biographies

  • N.T.Shaymurotov

    Zoinjineriya va ipakchilik kafedrasi dotsenti                                                              

  • Sh.P.Elmuratov

    Zoinjineriya va ipakchilik kafedrasi assistenti                                                           



1. Svechin. K.B, Bobыlev I.F., Gopka. B.M Konevodstva Moskva Kolos. 1992 g.

2. Turaqulov Z.T., Muxtarov A.Z., Xolmirzaev D. Yilqichilik. T. Mexnat 1985 y.

3. Xolmirzaev. D Yilqichilikdan amaliy mashg‘ulotlar. T. Mehnat 1988 y.



How to Cite

OTLARNING EKESTERERI, INTERYERI VA KONISTITUTSIYASI. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 15(3), 101-115. https://scientific-jl.org/mod/article/view/4392