Ключевые слова:
Gobbs, Dekart, Spinoza, Berkli, Yum, Volter., Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Berkeley, Hume, Voltaire.Аннотация
Gobbs falsafasi mexanistik, metafizik tusda edi. Dekart «Men tafakkur qilaman, demak men yashayman» degan qoidasini keltirib chiqardi. Spinoza fikricha, tabiatda ikki substansiyaning bo‘lishi mumkin emas. Undan tashqari substansiya o‘zidan tashqaridagi sababga, xudoga bog‘liq emas, balki u o‘zining sababidir. Berkli, Yumlar sezgilardan nariga o‘ta olmadilar. Volter siyosiy erkinlik g‘oyasini xalq ommasi o‘rtasida targ‘ib qilgan.
Hobbes's philosophy was mechanistic, metaphysical. Descartes came up with the rule: "I think, therefore I live." According to Spinoza, two substances cannot exist in nature. Besides, substance does not depend on a cause outside itself, on a god, but it is its own cause. Berkeley, the Humes could not go beyond the senses. Voltaire promoted the idea of political freedom among the masses.