Ключевые слова:
xorijiy investorlar, investitsiyalar, iqtisodiyot, diversifikatsiya, yangi texnologiyalar, iqtisodiy zonalar, hamkorlik., иностранные инвесторы, инвестиции, экономика, диверсификация, новые технологии, экономические зоны, сотрудничество., foreign investors, investments, economy, diversification, new technologies, economic zones, cooperation.Аннотация
Mamlakatimizda iqtisodiy o'sish va barqaror rivojlanishni ta'minlashda xorijiy investitsiyalar muhim rol o'ynaydi. Xorijiy investitsiyalar nafaqat moliyaviy resurslarni jalb etishga, balki zamonaviy texnologiyalar, boshqaruv tajribasi va yangi bozorlarni ochishga ham yordam beradi. Ushbu maqolada mamlakatimizda sanoat korxonalariga xorijiy investitsiyalarni jalb etish imkoniyatlari va yo'llari haqida ma'lumotlar berilgan.
Иностранные инвестиции играют важную роль в обеспечении экономического роста и устойчивого развития нашей страны. Иностранные инвестиции способствуют не только привлечению финансовых ресурсов, но и современных технологий, опыта управления и открытия новых рынков. В данной статье представлена информация о возможностях и путях привлечения иностранных инвестиций на промышленные предприятия нашей страны.
Foreign investments play an important role in ensuring economic growth and sustainable development in our country. Foreign investment not only helps to attract financial resources, but also modern technologies, management experience and opening of new markets. This article provides information about opportunities and ways to attract foreign investments to industrial enterprises in our country.
Библиографические ссылки
1. Abdullaeva, D. (2021). "Economic foundations of attracting foreign investment." Publication of the Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
2. Jumaniyazov, A. (2020). "Attracting foreign investment in Uzbekistan: problems and solutions." National University of Uzbekistan, Faculty of Economics.
3. Toshpulatov, S. (2022). "Improving the investment environment: the experience of Uzbekistan." State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, analytical report.
4. Karimov, I. (2019). "Industry and investment: the future of Uzbekistan." Publication of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
5. Ghulomov, R. (2023). "Innovative development and foreign investment." Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan, scientific article.
6. Saidov, M. (2021). "Free economic zones and foreign investment." Ministry of Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan, analytical material.
7. Muradov, A. (2022). "Modern methods of attracting foreign investment." Ministry of Economy and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, scientific research.