
  • Ahmedov Abdulhay Toshto’xtayevich Автор
  • Jabborova Sayyoraxon Muxammadqobilovna Автор
  • Raxmiddinova Dilnozaxon Mahammadaliyevna Автор
  • Pattidinova Bahoroy Faxriddinovna Автор

Ключевые слова:

Cybercrime, cybercriminal, malware, phishing ,DoS,network.


This article analyzes cybercrimes , their types ,causes and consequences, as well as the methods used to ensure cyber security. Cybercrime is an important issue in modern society, causing economic losses and personal risks. The article takes a detailed look at types of cybercrime such as malware, phishing, and DDoS attacks, and provides legal and technological solutions to prevent them.

Биографии авторов

  • Ahmedov Abdulhay Toshto’xtayevich

    The teachers of the Department of Social Sciences

    at Andijan State Pedagogical Institute

  • Jabborova Sayyoraxon Muxammadqobilovna

    The teachers of the Department of Social Sciences

    at Andijan State Pedagogical Institute

  • Raxmiddinova Dilnozaxon Mahammadaliyevna

    Students of Andijan  State Pedagogical institute  

  • Pattidinova Bahoroy Faxriddinovna

    The teachers of the Department of Social Sciences

    at Andijan State Pedagogical Institute

Библиографические ссылки



Как цитировать

UNDERSTANDING CYBERCRIME. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 16(2), 77-83. https://scientific-jl.org/mod/article/view/5702