
  • Usmonov Murodbek Автор
  • Nomozov I.X. Автор
  • Mirjalol Malikov Abdulla o’g’li Автор

Ключевые слова:

Consumption, Savings, Investment, Types of consumption, Savings.


This article gives information about consumption, savings and, of course, investments, which are one of the economic phenomena that are gaining great importance today. Information about what consumption, savings and investments are and their role in the theory of economy is covered.

Биографии авторов

  • Usmonov Murodbek

    Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service.

    Assistant of the Department of "Digital Economy".

  • Nomozov I.X.

    Assistant of Samarkand Institute of Economy and Service

  • Mirjalol Malikov Abdulla o’g’li

    Student of Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service

    Student of group IK-423


Библиографические ссылки


1) D. Tozhiboeva. Economic theory: study guide for students of higher educational institutions./Akad. Under the scientific editorship of M. Sharifho'jaev. - T.: "Teacher", 2002.

2) Economic theory course. / Author. coll. pod ed. prof. M. N. Chepurina. Teacher: - M:. INFRA. 2004.

3) Economics of Uzbekistan. Analytichesky obzor za 2003 god. Center for effective economic policy. T.: 2004.

4) Sh. Shodmonov. Handbook of economic theory: Consumption, savings and investments. Pages 438-452.

5) V. Ya. Iohin. Economic theory: textbook. - M.: Economist, 2005



Как цитировать

CONSUMPTION, SAVINGS AND INVESTMENT. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 16(3), 42-45.