The Role of Educational Videos in Enhancing Students' Listening and Speaking Skills


  • Mardonqulova Jasmina Yusufjon qizi
  • Zubaydova Nilufar Negmatullayevna


Educational videos, listening skills, speaking skills, language education, multimedia learning.


Educational videos are increasingly utilized as a pedagogical tool in language education. This article explores how educational videos improve students' listening and speaking skills, highlighting their effectiveness in providing contextual learning, exposure to authentic language use, and engaging instructional strategies. By integrating multimedia resources into language instruction, educators can create a dynamic and interactive learning environment that fosters better communication skills.


  • Mardonqulova Jasmina Yusufjon qizi

    Samarkand state institute of foreign languages

    A 2nd-year student majoring in foreign language (English) in preschool and primary education

  • Zubaydova Nilufar Negmatullayevna

    Research advisor

Nashr qilingan



The Role of Educational Videos in Enhancing Students’ Listening and Speaking Skills. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 12(4), 195-198.