single mothers, women and men, children and parents, single mother.##article.abstract##
In this case, families of single mothers are called "incomplete" or "maternal", and "under the very common term "incomplete family" is understood the family of a parent who, due to various reasons, single-handedly raises and bears responsibility for a child living in his or her care. At present, the spectrum of incomplete families is replenished, in addition to those mentioned above, by families of spouses who actually live separately, due to the practice of adoption of a child by a single woman, as well as the establishment of guardianship or trusteeship in the case of orphanhood." It is important that as a unit of observation it is proposed to consider not only parents with children living separately from other relatives, but also single-parent households, which are understood as "a socio-economic unit that unites people through relationships that arise when organizing their shared life: running a common household, living together."