Importance of teaching English in elementary classes on the basis of cluster approach and methods of introduction to practical lessons


  • Nazarova Gulnoza Abdullajon qizi
  • Nazarova Gulnoza


elementary school, modern education, innovation, public speaking, interest, cluster.


This article describes effective, modern and innovative methods of teaching English in elementary schools on the basis of a cluster approach to increase the interest of students in language learning, as a result of the application of modern approaches and innovative methods in teaching English in elementary schools, the development of students' logical thinking skills, improvement of speech, formation of skills of quick and correct answers, arousal of desire for knowledge, desire to prepare thoroughly for lessons.


  • Nazarova Gulnoza Abdullajon qizi

    Turon Xalqaro unversiteti 2-kurs magistranti

    Gumanitar fanlar pedagogika fakulteti Lingvistika (ingliz tili) yo’nalishi

  • Nazarova Gulnoza

    2nd year graduate student of Turon International University Pedagogical Faculty of Humanities, Linguistics (English) department




Importance of teaching English in elementary classes on the basis of cluster approach and methods of introduction to practical lessons. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 13(2), 285-289.