The Importance of Pronunciation Techniques to help students improve their spoken English


  • Sobirova Niginabonu Nodirjon qizi
  • Yuldasheva Omila Odilovna


pronunciation, communication, effectiveness of pronunciation, English pronunciation.


For language educators and learners, pronunciation is one of the most important skills to master. It plays a pivotal role in helping students communicate effectively and its impact goes way beyond just speaking correctly. This blog post highlights and explores the best methods for teaching pronunciation, identifies why they work and provides practical examples that language teachers can use in their language classrooms to inspire and support students. Getting pronunciation right boosts speakers’ confidence and fluency, reduces miscommunication and prepares learners for real-life conversations.


  • Sobirova Niginabonu Nodirjon qizi

    Student of CSPU

    Department English language and theory

  • Yuldasheva Omila Odilovna

    Scientific advisor




The Importance of Pronunciation Techniques to help students improve their spoken English. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 13(3), 291-296.