o’quvchi, o’qituvchi, internet, telefon, televizor, uyda o’tirish, bezovtaliklar, ota-ona, kitob, online kitob, chet tili.##common.commaListSeparator## student, teacher, internet, telephone, television, sitting at home, disturbances, parents, book,e-book,foreign language.##article.abstract##
ushbu maqolada siz o’quvchilarni online o’qitish va uning ta’siri haqida o’qiysiz va bundan tashqari,uyda o’qish bolalarga qanday ta’sir qiladi,shuningdek,yaxshi va yomon tomonlari haqida tushunchalarga ega bo’lasiz.
in this article,you will read about online education and its effects,and you will also be interested in how homeschooling affects children,as well as the pros and cons.
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