
  • Qayumova Madina Utkurovna
  • Zubaydova Nilufar Ne’matillaevna


o’qituvchi,o’quvchi,maktab,tajriba,bilim,ko’nikma,grammatika,ingliz tili,chet tillari,xotira,zamonaviy texnologiya,lug’at.##common.commaListSeparator## teacher, student, school, experience, knowledge, skills, grammar, English language, foreign languages, memory, modern technology, vocabulary.


ushbu maqolada maktabda bolalarning bilim olishida o’qituvchilarning o’rni qanchalik muhimligi haqida o’qiysiz va shu bilan birgalikda, bolalarga qanday ta’lim va tarbiya berish kerak,dars o’tish usullari,bolalarning e’tiborini  darsga qaratish va bu holatda o’qituvchi qanday metod va ko’nikmalardan foydalanishi kerakligi haqida o’qiysiz.

in this article you will read about how important the role of teachers is in children's learning at school, and at the same time, how to educate and educate children, methods of teaching, focusing children's attention on the lesson and in this case you will read about what methods and skills a teacher should use.


  • Qayumova Madina Utkurovna

    SamDCHTI Ingliz tili fakulteti

    Xorijiy til va adabiyot yo’nalishi

    2-bosqich 2325-guruh talabasi


  • Zubaydova Nilufar Ne’matillaevna

    SamDCHTI ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi



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BOLALARNING BILIM OLISHIDA O’QITUVCHILARNING O’RNI. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 14(8), 162-166.