
  • Karimova Dilafruz Javlonbek qizi
  • Jumaeva Nasiba Komil qizi


foreign languages, modern society, memory, culture, value , country, thinking.


This article analyzes the importance of learning foreign languages in modern society, highlighting how essential it is to learn them and the significant role they play in our lives. Learning a foreign language supports intellectual development, helps to strengthen memory, solve problems and increase creativity. The article discusses the psychological, cognitive and social benefits of language learning. It is emphasized that learning foreign languages is important not only for personal but also for professional development.


  • Karimova Dilafruz Javlonbek qizi

    Chirchik State Pedagogical University

    Faculty of Tourism

    Department of Foreign Language and Literature (English)

    Bachelor degree student

  • Jumaeva Nasiba Komil qizi

    Supervisor: Chirchik State Pedagogical University

    Faculty of Tourism

    Department of Foreign Language  and Literature( English)

    English teacher



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THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 15(7), 122-126.