
  • Akhmedova Zukhra Bakhtiyorovna
  • Matkarimova Dilfuza Saburovna
  • Boboev Kodirzhon Tukhtaboevich


Tumor necrosis factor-α TNFa (rs1800629), single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), autoimmune disease, proinflammatory cytokine.##common.commaListSeparator## Tumor necrosis factor-α TNFα (rs1800629), single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), autoimmune disease, proinflammatory cytokine.


Detection of polymorphic loci of the TNFa gene (rs1800629) in 86 patients with AA and 98 healthy ones using polymerase chain reaction in standard mode with visualization of electrophoresis products on a programmable thermal cycler "Rotor Gene Q" (Quagen, Germany).

In groups of patients with AA and healthy, a molecular genetic analysis was performed with DNA isolation from peripheral blood using a set of reagents "AmpliPrime RIBOT-prep" (Russia) and detection of TNFa genetic polymorphism (rs1800629) using test systems "Litech, NPF LLC" (Russia). The amplification process was reproduced on the GeneAmp PCR-system 2720 thermal cycler (Applied Biosystems, USA). The amplified products were subjected to electrophoresis in 2% agarose gel to study band patterns using ethidium bromide. Statistical processing of the obtained results was carried out using the OpenEpi – 2009 software package (Version 2.3).

To evaluate the functional significance of the polymorphism of the gene for the proinflammatory cytokine TNFα (G-308A) in the development of aplastic anemia.


  • Akhmedova Zukhra Bakhtiyorovna

    Republican specialized scientific - practical medical center of Hematology Tashkent medical academy

  • Matkarimova Dilfuza Saburovna

    Republican specialized scientific - practical medical center of Hematology Tashkent medical academy

  • Boboev Kodirzhon Tukhtaboevich

    Republican specialized scientific - practical medical center of Hematology Tashkent medical academy



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CONTRIBUTION OF TNFa (G-308A) GENE POLYMORPHISM TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF APLASTIC ANEMIA. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 16(1), 16-22.