
  • Ma`ripov Jalolkhan Kamoliddin o`g`li
  • Egamberdiyeva Oyguljon Olimjon qizi


grammatical analysis, discourse analysis, persuasive language, language structure, communication.


This article will discuss stylistic analysis and its importance in effective communication.This article explains the most important aspects of speech and how language and skills can help a speaker speak effectively. By studying these things, readers can learn how a speaker influences their audience and presents complex information in an easily understandable way.


  • Ma`ripov Jalolkhan Kamoliddin o`g`li

    Jizzakh branch of the National University of

    Uzbekistan  named after Mirzo Ulugbek

    The faculty of Psychology, department of Foreign languages

    Phylology and foreign languages

  • Egamberdiyeva Oyguljon Olimjon qizi

    Student of group 301-21




ANALYZING SPEECH STYLE. (2025). Modern Education and Development, 17(5), 122-126.