Is Generation Z in Uzbekistan Negatively Affected by Social Media?
Generation Z, Social media, Mental health, Cyberbullying, Communication skills, Uzbekistan.Abstrak
Over usage of Social Networking Sites has led to certain negative consequences. The study found more than 40% of Instagram users who reported feeling “unattractive” said it began on the app; about a quarter of the teenagers experienced a feeling of “inadequacy” which started on Instagram (The Guardian, 2021). Generation Z (born between 1995-2012) is, particularly showing a rise in addiction to social media, resulting in transformation of their behavior (Sharma, Kaushal and Joshi, 2023). This article will mainly explore negative sides of social media on Gen Z in Uzbekistan, with a focus on three main areas including cyberbullying, mental health and communication skills.
Nashr qilingan
Is Generation Z in Uzbekistan Negatively Affected by Social Media?. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 12(4), 162-172.