Teaching pronunciation with confidence


  • Mirzaxalova Sohibaxon Davronbek qizi ##default.groups.name.author##


pronunciation, speech, method, technology, education, and speech development.


This article discusses the methods of teaching the rules of pronunciation in English classes and the results achieved when these methods are taught to schoolchildren and modern educational technologies.


  • Mirzaxalova Sohibaxon Davronbek qizi

    Turon Xalqaro unversiteti 2-kurs magistranti

    Gumanitar fanlar pedagogika fakulteti Lingvistika (ingliz tili) yo’nalishi


Nashr qilingan



Teaching pronunciation with confidence. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 13(2), 265-270. https://scientific-jl.org/mod/article/view/2003