
  • N.T.Shaymurodov ##default.groups.name.author##
  • X.T.Javqoshev ##default.groups.name.author##


Yosh otlar, biya, ayg’ir, qulun, toy, asrash, bug’ozlik davri, qochirish usullari, o’sish, rivojlanish.##common.commaListSeparator## Young horses, mare, stallion, colt, foal, rearing, calving period, breeding methods, growth, development


Tabiiy urug‘lanishning bachadon  tipi otlarni urchitishning xarakterli biologik xususiyati  hisoblanadi.Aloqa davrda ayg‘ir urug‘i bevosita bachadonga, so‘ngra bachadon va tuxum yo‘li muskullarining qisqarishi va spermatozoidning aktif harakati natijasida tuxum yo‘liga tushadi. Tuxum hujayrasining otalanishi vujudga keladi. Kuyukish biyaning tuxumdonida urg‘ochi jinsiy hujayralar etilgan paytdan boshlanadi. Etilgan tuxum hujayrasi tuxumdon pufakchasidan chiqib tuxum yo‘llari orqali bachadon shoxlariga kiradi. Tuxum hujayrasi tuxumdondan chiqqandan keyin biya qochirilgan qochirilmaganidan qat’iy nazar kuyukish to‘xtaydi.

The uterine type of natural insemination is a characteristic biological feature of breeding horses. During the period of intercourse, the stallion's semen falls directly into the uterus, then as a result of the contraction of the muscles of the uterus and oviduct and the active movement of the spermatozoon, it falls into the oviduct. Fertilization of the egg occurs. Mating begins when the female reproductive cells are formed in the ovary of the bee. A mature egg cell leaves the ovarian cyst and enters the uterine horns through the fallopian tubes. After the egg is released from the ovary, ovulation stops, regardless of whether the bee is fertilized or not.    


  • N.T.Shaymurodov

    Zoinjineriya va ipakchilik kafedrasi dotsenti                                                              

  • X.T.Javqoshev

    Zoinjineriya va ipakchilik kafedrasi assistenti                                                             



1. Svechin. K.B, Bobыlev I.F., Gopka B.M. Konevodstva Moskva

Kolos. 1992 g.

2. Turakulov Z.T., Muxtarov A.Z., Xolmirzaev D. Yilqichilik

T.Mehnat 1985 y.

3. Xolmirzaev. D Yilqichilikdan amaliy mashg‘ulotlar

T.Mehnat 1988 y.

4. Fanning disketaga yozilgan ma’ruzalar matni.

Nashr qilingan



YILQICHILIKDA TAKROR ISHLAB CHIQARISH. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 15(3), 16-31. https://scientific-jl.org/mod/article/view/4372