
  • Qurbonov Jaloliddin Sapar o‘g‘li ##default.groups.name.author##


splayn funksiyalar, global splaynlar, lokal interpolyatsiyalash, lokal splaynlar, interpolyatsiyon ko‘phadlar, klassik interpolyatsiyalash.##common.commaListSeparator## spline functions, global splines, local interpolation, local splines, interpolation polynomials, classic interpolation.


Agar har bir [xi, xi+1] qismiy kesmadagi splaynning noma’lum parametrlari boshqa qismiy kesmalardagi splaynlarning noma’lum parametrlari bilan birgalikda aniqlansa, bunday splaynlar global splaynlar deyiladi. Global splaynlarda qismiy kesmalardagi splaynlarning noma’lum parametrlari chiziqli algebraik tenglamalar sistemasini haydash usuli bilan yechish vositasida topiladi.

If the unknown parameters of the spline in each [xi, xi+1] partial section are determined in conjunction with the unknown parameters of the splines in other partial sections, such splines are called global splines. In global splines, the unknown parameters of splines in partial sections are found by solving a system of linear algebraic equations by the driving method.




1. Isroilov M.I. Hisoblash metodlari. 1-qism, Toshkent, O‘zbekiston, 2003. 231-330.

2. Алберг Дж., Нильсон Э., Уолш Дж. Теория сплайнов и ее приложения. Москва: Мир, 1972.-316.

3. С.А. Бахрамов, Б.Р.Азимов. Тенг Оралиқлар Учун Логранж Ва Локал Нтерполяцион Кубик Сплайн Моделларини Қуриш Ва Сигналларга Тадбиқи. “Ахборот Коммуникация Технологиялари Ва Дастурий Таъминот Яратишда Инновацион Ғоялар” Республика илмий-техник анжуманинг МАЪРУЗАЛАР ТЎПЛАМИ 1- қисм. 55-57 бетлар.ТАТУ, 16-17 апрел 2019 йил.

4. H.N.Zaynidinov, М.А. Кuchkarov, S.A. Baxromov. Geophysical Signals Processing On The Basis Of Bicubic Spline Function. Stemm Abstracts of Uzbek-Israel joint international conference Science – Technology – Education – Mathematics – Medicine. TASHKENT, May 13-15 2019, 167-169 str.

5. H.N.Zaynidinov, B.R. Аzimov, S.A. Baxromov. BIOMEDICAL SIGNALS INTERPOLATION CUBIC SPLAIN MODELS. STEMM ABSTRACTS of Uzbek-Israel joint international conference Science – Technology – Education – Mathematics – Medicine. TASHKENT, May 13-15 2019, 169-171 str.

Nashr qilingan



SPLAYN FUNKSIYALARINING TUGUN NUQLARDA UZLUKSIZLIGINI TEKSHIRISH. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 15(4), 293-309. https://scientific-jl.org/mod/article/view/4732