
  • Kholiyorova Malham Tulqin qizi ##default.groups.name.author##
  • Zuhra Nuriddinova ##default.groups.name.author##


SLA, Psychology, Anthropology, Intellectual Curiosity, Efficient language teaching, Application


There are almost as many reasons to study SLA as there are places where second languages are acquired and used. First of all, the study of SLA is fascinating in its own right. It is a true conundrum. Understanding it requires drawing upon knowledge of psychology, linguistics, sociology, anthropology, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and neurolinguistics, among others. As David Cook (1965) has said: We sometimes overlook the fact that there is much that we can know and need to know about our universe and ourselves that is not necessarily useful at the moment of discovery. By the same token, we are too prone to reject knowledge for which we cannot find an immediate practical application.


  • Kholiyorova Malham Tulqin qizi

    SamSIFL Narpay Faculty of Foreign Languages

    Foreign language and literature (English)

    2nd stage student of group 23.03

  • Zuhra Nuriddinova

    Scientific supervisor



Bailey, R and Gorlach, M (eds.) 1984 English as a world language. Cambridge University Press

Beebe, L (ed.) 1988 Issues in second language acquisition: multiple perspectives. Newbury House/Harper and Row, New York 49

Cummins, J and Swain, M 1986 Bilingualism in education. Longman

Genesee, F 1983 Bilingual education of majority-language children: the immersion experiments in review. Applied Psycholinguistics 4: 1-46

Genesee, F 1987 Learning through two languages. Newbury House Publishers, Inc., Rowley, Mass.

Kachru, B (ed.) 1982 The other tongue: English across cultures. University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 111.

Strevens, P (1980) Teaching English as an international language. Pergamon Press

Strong, M (ed.) 1988 Language learning and deafness. Cambridge University Press

Swain, M and Lapkin, S 1982 Evaluating bilingual education: a Canadian case study. Multilingual Matters Ltd.

Nashr qilingan



WHY STUDY SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION?. (2024). Modern Education and Development, 15(10), 65-69. https://scientific-jl.org/mod/article/view/5392