
  • Sherqo‘ziyev Javlonbek
  • Mahamadiyev Sharofiddin


metodologiya, kimyo, organik kimyo, eten, etilen, to‘yingan uglevodorodlar, to‘yinmagan uglevodorodlar, 3D, ta’lim.##common.commaListSeparator## methodology, chemistry, organic chemistry, ethene, ethylene, saturated hydrocarbons, unsaturated hydrocarbons, 3D, education.


Maqolada kimyo fanini o‘qitsh metodikasi muammolari va yangiliklari shu jumladan yana qanday metodlar bilan ishlash mumkinligi haqida so‘z boradi. Fan asoslarini o‘qitishda metodik masalalarni ishlab chiqishda erishilgan ma’lum muvaffaqiyatlarga qaramay mavzuga oid metodlarni ishlab chiqishga to‘sqinlik qilayotgan sabablar, metodlar muammolarini chuqur nazariy va eksperimental ishlab chiqish yo‘qligi, o‘qitishning “Hayotiy muhim masalalari”ni ilmiy tadqiqot doirasidan tashqarida qoldirgan.

The article talks about problems and innovations in the methodology of teaching chemistry, including what other methods can be used.  Despite certain successes in the development of methodological issues in the teaching of the basics of science, the reasons that prevent the development of methods related to the topic are the lack of deep theoretical and experimental development of the problems of methods, the "vital issues" of teaching from the scope of scientific research  left outside.


  • Sherqo‘ziyev Javlonbek

    Guliston Davlat Pedagogika Instituti Akademik Litseyi

    Kimyo Fani Katta O‘qituvchisi      

  • Mahamadiyev Sharofiddin

    Kimyo Fani Bosh O‘qituvchisi         



1. Mendeleev D. I. Asoslar kimyo. - M., 1947, 1-bet.

2. Butlerov A.M. Organik kimyoni to'liq o'rganishga kirish. - Sankt-Peterburg, 1864 yil.

3. Arshanskiy E. I. Ta'lim kimyo diversifikatsiyalangan holda sinflar. M. : Centrhim -press, 2004 yil.

4. Chernobelskaya G. M. O'qitish metodikasi kimyo V o'rta maktab. M. : VLADOS, 2000.

5. Bespalov P. V. A. Organik kimyo modulli dasturlarida o'qish. 1-2. M.: Tsentrximpress, 2003 yil.

Nashr qilingan



KIMYO FANI O‘QITISH METODIKASI MUAMMOLARI. (2025). Modern Education and Development, 17(2), 263-270.