Kalit so’zlar: sql, update, delete, insert into, create database, alter database, create, char, varchar, binary, varbinary.Abstract
Annotatsiya: Ishda SQO so'rov tilining kelib chish tarixi, kalit so’zlari haqida batafsil ma’lumotlar berilgan. SQLda ma’lumotlar bazasini boshqarish tizimlaridagi belgi, satrlar, sonlar, sana va vaqtlar uchun ma'lumot turlari operatorlari to’liq berilgan.
1. SQL(Structured Query Language) haqida - Texnoman.uz
2. SQL da Kirish - UzbekDevs
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4. Salomov U.A., Elmurotova D.B., Meyliyev L.O. Technological process medicine // World Bulletin of Public Health. ISSN (E): 2749-3644, Impact Factor: 7.635, India.
5. Elmurotova D.B., Tashev B.J., Rakhimov I.T., Bozorov E.X., Mussayeva M.A. Gamma Therapeutic Devices // International journal of health systems and medical sciences, 2022-11-24, 1(5), P. 267-269.
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8. Элмуротова Д.Б., Ялгашева Э.Б., Эсонова М.Д., Жураева Н.Ж., Бозоров Э.Х. Гамма аппараты в медицине // «Biotexnologiyada ta'lim, fan va sanoat integratsiyasi» Res. ilmiy-texnikaviy anjumani maqolalar to‘plam. Toshkent, 24-25.11.2022 С.394-397.
9. Элмуротова Д.Б., Зокирова Ф.О., Юсупова Н.С., Рахимберганова З.М., Бозоров Э. Х. Гамма-терапевтический аппарат для контактного облучения // «Biotexnologiyada ta'lim, fan va sanoat integratsiyasi» Respublika ilmiy texnikaviy anjumani maqolalar to‘plam. Toshkent, 24-25.11.2022 С.397-4-399.
10. Elmurotova D.B., Nazirov R.M., Tashev B.J., Raximov I.T., Turdiyeva S.Z. Zamonaviy tibbiy axborot tizimlari // «Biotexnologiyada ta'lim, fan va sanoat integratsiyasi» Res. ilmiy-texnikaviy anjumani maqolalar to‘plam. Toshkent, 24-25.11.2022 С.409-412.
11. Elmurotova D.B., Ismatova L.N, Xaitov F.N., Odilova N.J. Tubes for x-ray structure analysis // Eurasian Research Bulletin V.7, ISSN: 2795-7365 April, 2022 P. 69-72.
12. Elmurotova D.B., Yusupova N.S., Jo’raqulov Sh.R., Ixrorova S.I. Complex of High Quality Portable X-Ray Systems // Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities ISSN: 2795-4846 V.7 (July 2022). P.1-4, Portugal.
13. Salomov U.A., Elmurotova D.B., Meyliyev L.O. Technological process medicine // World Bulletin of Public Health. ISSN (E): 2749-3644, Impact Factor: 7.635, India.
14. Elmurotova D.B., Tashev B.J. and all. Gamma Therapeutic Devices // Int. journal of health systems and medical sciences, 2022-11-24, 1(5), P. 267-269.
15. Elmurotova D.B., Mamashova N.T., Bozorov E.H., X-ray therapy and its applications // Journal of Academic Research and Trends in Educational Sciences (JARTES) V 1, ISSUE 10 / ISSN 2181-2675. 2022, P 358-363. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7241942