
  • Seliyan Harihara Sudhan Author
  • Kudratova Z.E. Author


Keywords: echinococcosis of the liver, parasitic infection, cyst, body.


Annotation. Liver echinococcosis is one of the most common parasitic diseases based on the formation of cysts in the liver. The main signs of this pathology are general weakness, a significant decrease in appetite, a decrease in body weight, a feeling of heaviness in the liver region, nausea after eating fried or fatty food, and stool disorders. To diagnose liver echinococcosis, general blood tests, immunological methods, abdominal ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, liver SPECT, laparoscopy, etc. are used. The most effective treatment is surgical excision of cysts; antihelminthic drugs are also used.


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How to Cite

Seliyan Harihara Sudhan, & Kudratova Z.E. (2024). ECHINOCOCCOSIS OF THE LIVER: MODERN VIEWS. JOURNAL OF NEW CENTURY INNOVATIONS, 65(1), 54-57.

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