
  • Feruza Kucharova Alisher kizi Автор
  • Abdukarimova Ma'mura Zohidovna Автор

Ключевые слова:

Kalit soʻzlar: boshlangʻich , maktab , samarali, taʼlim, chet tillar, oʻrgatish, malakali kadrlar oʻ4ganish ,oʻrgatish


Annotasiya: Ushbu maqola boshlangʻich maktab yoshdagi bolalarning samarali taʼlim metodlaridan foydalanish , chet tillarini tezda oʻzlashtirib olishlari  hamda amalda foydalana olishidir. Xorijiy tillarni yuqori malakali kadrlar orqali oʻrganish haqida .

Библиографические ссылки

1. Decision PQ-5117-SON of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 19, 2022.

2. Law of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 29, 1997 No. 465-1 “On Education”.

3. Kucharova F.A. Translation of military terms in the English-Uzbek context. Modern journal of social and humanities. Academic journal, VOLUME 7, July-2022 ISSN: 2795-4846, – B.14-18.

4. Kravchenko A., 2010, Native speakers, mother tongues, and other objects of wonder. Language Sciences, 32(6), p. 677-785.

5. Akhmedov O.S. Linguistic analysis and translation problems of tax-customs terms in English and Uzbek: Philol. doctor of science diss. - Tashkent, 2016. – 255 p.

6. Bally Sh. French style. – Moscow, 1961. – 269 p.

7. Mukhamedova L.J. Gallicisms in the military terminology of English and the problems of translating them into Uzbek: Philol. fan. PhD on diss.- Tashkent, 2021. – 172 p.

8. Paluanova H.D. Ecologist terminlarning derivation xususiyatlari. – T.: Fan va technology, 2016. – 152 b.

9. Rasulov I. Lexicon of the Uzbek language during the glorious war years. - Tashkent: Science, 1977. – 149 p.

10. Kucharova F.A. The role of artistic translation and meaningful analysis of military terms in the process of translating English and Uzbek works. Social science and education. E-ISSN 3030-3648. Iyun-2024. 42 b.



Как цитировать

Feruza Kucharova Alisher kizi, & Abdukarimova Ma'mura Zohidovna. (2024). BOSHLANGʻICH MAKTAB YOSHDAGI BOLALARGA TIL OʻRGATISH METODLARI. ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ НАУКА И ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ИДЕИ В МИРЕ, 59(13), 59-62.

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