Several studies have explored gender differences in language skills, including listening comprehension, but results have been mixed. A study by Zare, Moradi, and Pour (2003) found that female students generally outperform male students in listening comprehension tasks. This supports the notion that girls might have stronger auditory skills and attention to detail when processing spoken language (Zare, Moradi, & Pour, 2003). In contrast, other studies have not found significant gender differences, suggesting that factors such as socio-cultural background, language exposure, and individual motivation might play a more significant role in listening comprehension than gender alone (Smith, 2011).Abstrak
The research examines whether gender influences secondary school students’ ability to comprehend listening. Specifically, it seeks to compare male and female students' listening comprehension skills and identify any notable differences that could
impact educational practices. In total, 15 male and 15 female school students are joined this research. Different aspects of listening comprehension, such as multiple choice, true-false statements, short answers and gap filling are conducted.
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