
  • Usmonov Mardonbek Author


Keywords: technology, AI, methods, techniques, innovative teaching, improvements, device.


Annotation: This article discusses the types of artificial intelligence, importance and usage of them in the field of education. In addition, the potential benefits and risks of AI in education, including personalized learning, improved assessment, reduced planning time for teachers, and the risk of fraud are also included. Drawing on a variety of studies and perspectives, the paper argues that while AI carries biological risks, its educational benefits are significant. The paper concludes by suggesting that more empirical research is needed on the impact of AI in education and the importance of preparing students for a future in which machines will play a leading role.


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How to Cite

Usmonov Mardonbek. (2024). EFFECTIVE USAGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION. PEDAGOGS, 70(2), 159-162. https://scientific-jl.org/ped/article/view/4056