Keywords: English language, foreign language and literature, educational process, student, linguistics, methodology, literary studies, TESOL, teaching methods, future professions, learning foreign languages, literature, professional development, competencies.##article.abstract##
This article provides detailed information about the direction of Foreign
Language and Literature (English) and the teaching processes in this field. It answers
many questions students may have about this specialization and analyzes how to
become a specialist in this area in the future. It also highlights the challenges
encountered in the educational process and their solutions, the importance of learning
foreign languages, and the role of literature in education. The main purpose of this
article is to provide students specializing in Foreign Language and Literature (English)
with comprehensive and extensive information. Furthermore, it aims to shed light on
their future professional development paths and assist them in mastering modern
teaching methods and essential skills. This article is intended for a broad audience,
especially students specializing in Foreign Language and Literature (English).