Keywords: Eastern Philosophy, Western Literature, Influence, Enlightenment, Skepticism, Self, Nature, Existentialism.Abstrak
The intersection of Eastern philosophy and Western literature has become a
significant area of study in recent decades, as scholars explore how ideas from the East
have influenced Western literary traditions. This article examines the extent and nature
of Eastern philosophical influence on Western literature, particularly during the
Enlightenment and the following periods of skepticism and modernity. The analysis
focuses on key literary figures such as Voltaire, Emerson, Thoreau, and Nietzsche,
exploring how Eastern concepts of self, nature, and existence were absorbed, adapted,
or transformed in Western literary contexts. The article concludes by evaluating the
ongoing dialogue between Eastern and Western traditions and its relevance for
contemporary literary studies.
1. Emerson, R. W. (1995). Self-Reliance and Other Essays. Dover Publications.
2. Thoreau, H. D. (2004). Walden. Oxford University Press.
3. Nietzsche, F. (2006). Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Penguin Classics.
4. Voltaire, F. (2007). Candide. Penguin Classics.
5. McMahan, D. L. (2008). The Making of Buddhist Modernism. Oxford University
6. Said, E. W. (1978). Orientalism. Pantheon Books.
7. Hesse, H. (1972). Siddhartha. New Directions Publishing.
8. Jung, C. G. (1969). Psychological Aspects of the Eastern Religions. Princeton
University Press.