Kalit so'zlar: sil, qarshilik, organizm, bolalar, o'smirlar;Abstrak
Siyosiy o‘zgarishlar, ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy beqarorlik va mahalliy nizolar tufayli
aholi migratsiyasining kuchayishi sharoitida ijtimoiy ahamiyatga ega kasalliklar
maqomiga ega bo‘lgan surunkali jarayonlarning salmog‘i ortib bormoqda. Bunday
kasalliklardan biri sil kasalligidir.
1. Kudratova Z. E. et al. Current modern etiology of anemia //Open Access
Repository. – 2023. – Т. 10. – №. 10. – С. 1-4.
2. Burxanova D. S., Umarova T. A., Kudratova Z. E. Acute myocarditis linked to the
administration of the COVID 19 vaccine //Центральноазиатский журнал
образования и инноваций. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. 11. – С. 23-26.
3. Кудратова З. Э. и др. Атипик микрофлора этиологияли ўткир обструктив
бронхитларининг ўзига хос клиник кечиши //Research Focus. - 2022. - Т. 1. -
№. 4. - С. 23-32.
4. Kudratova Z. E, Normurodov S. Etiological structure of acute obstructive bronchitis
in children at the present stage - Thematics Journal of Microbiology, 2023. P.3-12.
5. Kudratova Z. E., Tuychiyeva S. K. Atipik mikroflora etiologiyali o’tkir obstruktiv
bronxitlar etiopatogenezining zamonaviy jixatlari. Research Focus, 2023, B. 589-
6. Kudratova Z. E., Karimova L. A. Age-related features of the respiratory system.
Research Focus,Tom 2, P. 586-588.
7. Исомадинова Л. K., Даминов Ф. A. Современная лабораторная диагностика
хронического пиелонефрита у детей //Journal of new century innovations. –
2024. – Т. 49. – №. 2. – С. 112-116.
8. Isomadinova L. K., Daminov F. A. Glomerulonefrit kasalligida sitokinlar ahamiyati
//Journal of new century innovations. – 2024. – Т. 49. – №. 2. – С. 117-120.
9. Isomadinova L. K., Qudratova Z. E., Shamsiddinova D. K. Samarqand viloyatida
urotiliaz kasalligi klinik-kechishining o’ziga xos xususiyatlari
//Центральноазиатский журнал образования и инноваций. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №.
10. – С. 51-53.
10. Isomadinova L. K., Qudratova Z. E., Sh B. F. Virusli gepatit b fonida Covid-19 ning
klinik laborator kechish xususiyatlari //Journal of new century innovations. – 2023.
– Т. 30. – №. 3. – С. 60-65.
11. Isomadinova L. K., Yulayeva I. A. Buyraklar kasalliklarning zamonaviy
diagnostikasi //Центральноазиатский журнал образования и инноваций. – 2023.
– Т. 2. – №. 10 Part 3. – С. 36-39
12. Kudratova Zebo Erkinovna, Tamila Abdufattoevna Umarova, & Sirojeddiova
Sanobar. (2024). Modern types of immunoenzyme analysis methods old
problems. Web of Discoveries: Journal of Analysis and Inventions, 2(6), 67–70.
13. Sabirovna I. N., Muhammadali B. Laboratory indicators of nephropathy in type ii
diabetes mellitus //Web of Medicine: Journal of Medicine, Practice and Nursing. –
2024. – Т. 2. – №. 5. – С. 93-95