
  • Nusratova Ma’muraxonim Fayzidin qizi Author


Kalit so‘zlar: aksiologik yondashuv, qadriyatlar, intellektual kompetentlik, interaktiv o‘qitish metodlar, fikrlash va tanqidiy tahlil qilish qobiliyati.


  Annotatsiya: Aksiologik yondashuv asosidagi intellektual kompetentlikni rivojlantirish metodikasi bo‘lajak pedagoglarning nafaqat bilim va ko‘nikmalarini, balki axloqiy va estetik qadriyatlarini ham shakllantirishni maqsad qilgan. Ushbu maqolada aksiologik  уоndаshuv аsоsidа  asosida bo‘lajak  pedagoglarning  intellektual kompetentligini  rivojlantirish yo’llari yoritilgan.


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2. Абдуллаева Ш.Х. Педагог профессионал компетентлилигини шакллантиришнинг ижтимоий-психологик механизмлари: Психол.ф.д. (DSc) ... дис-я автореферати: 19.00.05. – Т.: ЎзМУ, 2019. – 61 б.

3. Равен Дж. Компетентность в современном обществе: выявление, развитие и реализация / Равен Дж. Пер. с англ. – М. : Когито-Центр, 2002. – 396 с. – ISBN 5-89353-052-7

4. Urinova Feruza Uljayevna, Valiyeva Hojirakhon Ilhomjon kizi. Development of intellectual abilities of preschool children. Through developing technologies. Modern journal of social sciences and humanities. Issn:2795-4846.Vol.4/(2022).

5. Uljaevna U. F. et al. Necessary conditions for the development of creative thinking in future teachers //Modern Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. – 2022. – Т. 4. – С. 444-448.

6. Uljaevna u. F. Et al. Necessary conditions for the development of creative thinking in future teachers //Modern journal of social sciences and humanities. – 2022. – т. 4. – с. 444-448.

7. Uljayevna O. R. F. Maktabgacha talim tashkiloti tarbiyachisining kasbiy pedagogik kompetensiyani takomillashtirish xususiyatlari //Science and innovation. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. B2. – С. 88-91.

8. Urinova F. U. Steam implementation in the organization of activities of the development centers in preschool education //European Journal of Pedagogical Initiatives and Educational Practices. – 2024. – Т. 2. – №. 5. – С. 45-49.

9. O’ljayevna O. F. Et al. Maktabgacha ta’lim tashkiloti boshqaruvining o’ziga xos xususiyatlari //Pedagog. – 2024. – Т. 7. – №. 5. – С. 827-831.



How to Cite

Nusratova Ma’muraxonim Fayzidin qizi. (2025). AKSIOLOGIK УОNDАSHUV ASOSIDA BO‘LAJAK PEDAGOGLARNING INTELLEKTUAL KOMPETENTLIGINI RIVOJLANTIRISH. World Scientific Research Journal, 35(1), 193-198. https://scientific-jl.org/wsrj/article/view/10717