
  • Yakubova Guzal Lukhmanovna Автор

Ключевые слова:

Keywords: Linguistic thinking, integrative approach, creative writing, cognitive strategies, game-based learning, multimedia technologies, innovative methodologies, language education


This paper explores the development of linguistic thinking through integrative-creative approaches, emphasizing the significance of innovative methodologies in modern language education. The study examines key methods, including the integrative approach, creative writing, cognitive strategies, game-based learning, and multimedia technologies, highlighting their strengths and limitations. International best practices such as CLIL, Freewriting, and Gamification are analyzed for their relevance and adaptability to Uzbekistan's education system. The findings suggest that while each method contributes uniquely to linguistic thinking development, a blended approach tailored to Uzbekistan’s context can yield the best results. The discussion underscores the need for systemic reforms, infrastructure investments, and teacher training to overcome existing challenges and fully harness the potential of these innovative methods.

Библиографические ссылки

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Как цитировать

Yakubova Guzal Lukhmanovna. (2024). LINESTICS THINKING BASED ON AN INTEGRATIVE-CREATIVE APPROACH. World Scientific Research Journal, 34(2), 175-182.