
  • Abdumuratova Zarina Shokir qizi


Key words: hygiene, health, prevention, medical education, students.


Abstract: This article considers the significance of teaching the subject of hygiene in the educational program of medical school students. Hygiene as a science covers a wide range of knowledge about health, its preservation and strengthening, as well as disease prevention. It is important to emphasize that hygienic knowledge is necessary for future doctors to form an integrated approach to the treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as to ensure public health. We will analyze the existing training programs, the results of surveys among students and teachers, as well as statistical data confirming the need for in-depth study of hygienic science. The article includes materials and methods used for the study, results and conclusions.


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Nashr qilingan



Abdumuratova Zarina Shokir qizi. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING HYGIENE TO MEDICAL STUDENTS. World Scientific Research Journal, 32(1), 167-172.