
  • Jamshid A.Kutliev
  • Abbos A.Rustamov
  • Dilafruz F.Aripova
  • Jamshid S.Nishonov


Abstract. Bioimpedance analysis (BIA) is a contact method for measuring the electrical conductivity of biological tissues, allowing for the assessment of a wide range of morphological and physiological parameters of the organism. In bioimpedance analysis, active and reactive resistances of the human body or its segments are measured at different frequencies. They are based on the characteristics of the body's body composition, such as fat, cellular and skeletal-muscular mass, water volume, and its distribution in the body. This research method was actively used in sports medicine in the mid-20th century. It allowed the athlete to objectively control the volume of muscle mass, their physical activity, and endurance. In accordance with regular measurements, the load, diet, and daily calories were adjusted based on the person's age and physical condition.


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Nashr qilingan



Jamshid A.Kutliev, Abbos A.Rustamov, Dilafruz F.Aripova, & Jamshid S.Nishonov. (2024). THE ROLE OF BIOELECTRICAL-IMPEDANCE-ANALYSIS IN DIAGNOSING OBESITY IN MILITARY TEAMS. World Scientific Research Journal, 32(1), 72-73.