Key words: pictorial means, visual aids, Boburnoma, portraits, depiction, portrait of hero, pictorial details.Abstract
"Boburnoma" is a rare example of the memoir genre in world literature and is of great importance as a historical and artistic work. This work is an encyclopedic source covering various fields of science. In this regard, great memories are a unique resource providing invaluable information to world scientists in all fields, studying the history of literary and cultural ties of the Uzbek people with other peoples of the world, serving the development of their culture. The fact that "Boburnoma" has been translated into 16 leading national languages of the world is a clear confirmation of this. Solving the problems of adequate translation of pictorial means into English is one of the urgent tasks of translation studies, based on the pragmatic and linguistic features of "Boburnoma" translations. Today, in the world literary process, interest in the study of manuscripts and translations of the text of "Boburnoma" attracts the attention of world orientalists and translators. Scientific research by world scientists on the essence, ideological aspects, personality of the creator, creative method of the writer, artistic mastery of the text "Boburnoma" allow to define and evaluate the features of the development of literature.
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