
  • Boyto’rayev Sirojidin Usmon o’g’li Author
  • Xurramov Dilshod Jahongir o’g’li Author
  • Jurayev Shamshodbek Javlonbek o’g’li Author


Kalit so'zlar: tarixnavislik, ob’ektivlik, og’zaki ijod.manbalar, badiiy-tarixiy janr, adabiy-tarixiy janr,


Ushbu  maqolada  Qo’qon  xonligi  tarixini  yoritishda  tarixiy  manbalarning 
ahamiyati  va  Qo’qon  tarixnavisligidagi  asarlar  mohiyati  bo’yicha  ma’lumotlar 
keltirilgan.  Qo’qon  xonligi  tarixnavisligi  namunalarining  turli  tillarda  bayon 
etilganligi, mualliflarning asarda  keltirilgan  haqqoniy  ma’lumotlari  bo’yicha  fikr-
mulohazalar keltirilib o’tilgan. 


Foydalanilgan adabiyotlar:

1. Abdurakhmanova, J. N. (2020). The policy of tolerance in Uzbekistan (in the case

of Greeks). International Journal on Integrated Education, 2(5), 212.

2. Тошев, Солежон Аҳматжонович. (2020). Ўзбекистон совет

мустамлакачилик даври тарихининг Туркияда ўрганилиши. Ўтмишга

назар.2(2-махсус сон). 347-353.

3. Mardonov, Sh., Toshtemirova, S., Ahmadjonov, B., & Koshanova, N. (2020).

Structure and Mechanisms of Action of The Educational Cluster. International

Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation, 27(07), 8104-8111.

4. J.N. Abdurakhmanova, S.B. Jumaeva, U.K. Ismailov (2020). The Importance of

Shrines in The Spiritual Life and Mentality of Uzbek People // International

Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24 (09) 2389- 2398.

5. G'afforov, Y., Nafasov, A., & Nafasova, Z. (2020). From the History of the

Beginning of the “Great Game”. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(11), 2798-2802.

6. Toshtemirova, S. (2020). Factors Affecting the Quality of Education and the

Importance of the Education Cluster to Address Them. European Journal of

Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8(4), 151-156.

7. Matchonov S. (2020). Adabiy ta’lim tizimini texnologiyalashtirish va badiiy-

estetik tafakkur muammolari // Научный вестник Ташкентского

государственного педагогического университета. № 1 –С. 110-115.

8. Абдурахманова, Ж. Н., Тоштемирова, С.А. (2020). Инновацион

технологиялар ва ахборот маданиятини шакллантириш педагогиканинг

долзарб масалаларидан бири. Science and Education, 1(Issue 7), 436-442.



How to Cite

Boyto’rayev Sirojidin Usmon o’g’li, Xurramov Dilshod Jahongir o’g’li, & Jurayev Shamshodbek Javlonbek o’g’li. (2024). QO’QON XONLIGI TARIXI . TADQIQOTLAR.UZ, 51(1), 104-107. https://scientific-jl.org/tad/article/view/4105

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