Keywords: nеоlоgism, english, uzbеk, lаnguаgе, vосаbulаry, wоrd, assimilation, еduсаtiоn.Abstrak
Every country in the world is connected to every other country. Through these
connections, as in other cases, the vocabulary of both languages undergoes some
changes, new words are introduced. The way Uzbek is spoken is the same as in other
countries. It is well known that the Uzbеk people have historically had cultural,
political, and economic ties to other countries. This has a specific impact on the
language that people use to communicate. As a result of the intervention, changes occur
in all aspects of the language, including linguistics, vocabulary, grammar, and
neologisms. The rate at which new developments are introduced also depends on the
period. Uzbek had a lot of words in Russian in the past, but there are now more new
words in English than in other languages.
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