Ключевые слова:
Key words: intercultural competence, English Language Teaching, cultural adaptability, critical reflection, linguistic proficiency.Аннотация
Annotation: This article examines the integration of intercultural competence in English Language Teaching, emphasizing its role in preparing learners for effective communication across cultural boundaries in a globalized context. It highlights the interplay of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for cultural adaptability and explores strategies such as integrating diverse cultural content, fostering critical reflection, and engaging in collaborative, cross-cultural activities.
Библиографические ссылки
1. Risager, K. Language and Culture Pedagogy: From a National to a Transnational Paradigm. Multilingual Matters. 2007.
2. Johnson, K. E. The Sociocultural Turn and Its Challenges for Second Language Teacher Education. // TESOL Quarterly., – London., 2006.
3. Harmer J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. – London., 2001.
4. Khatamova N.Q., Mirzayeva M.N. "Interactive methods used in English language classes", Navoi. 2006.